Friday, November 8, 2013



I always have all my friends around me from High school friends up to now. We love hanging out, sometimes out of town and sleep overs. We've been doing that since then, almost 5 years now. I just love them. They are true and very loyal. All of our parents know each other and allow us to go anywhere. 

Since all of us are girls. We usually have same make ups, clothes and shoes but in different colors. We shared all of our secrets and promised to keep it forever. All of us also knows our differences, mistakes, faults and problems. 

Most of the time, I am the one who's very shy in our group. Maybe because my friends are all beautiful. All of them have great faces and perfect body. Here I am, wishing to be beautiful despite of my acne and pimple scars in my face. I am the one with the lowest self- esteem ever. Good thing about my friends though, they never let me feel ugly. They are the one who boost up my self confidence whenever I am down. 

Three months ago, we had a sleep over in our house. They brought their laptops because we are going to make some research. Then my friend Elaine, saw an online shop named Uguisu No Fun. But in the internet, some call it Geisha Facial because it was used by the Geisha and Kabuki actors before. Elaine said she already heard about Uguisu No Fun Mask before because it is very popular even 400 years ago. We researched about Uguisu No Fun and they decided to purchase the Uguisu No Fun Hydrating Mask. 

They want me to try it. Hoping it could help me. When we received the package, all of use tried it and agreed to rinse it after 30 minutes. As soon as we rinsed the mask, we were all amazed. We were touching each other's face and laughing like there's no tomorrow. We love it! 

Our face became softer and whiter. It feels so smooth whenever we touch our face. And we look even younger with this. I don't know what's in Uguisu No Fun Hydrating Mask that gave this kind of effect to us.

I'm using Uguisu No Fun Hydrating Mask for 3 months now. You know what? I don't have any acne anymore. My face looks cleanse. You can't see any pimple scars in my face anymore. I am whiter, fresher and looks younger. I really love this mask. It is unbelievable.

Uguisu No Fun Hydrating Mask was purchased at